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Responsive Communities of Joy

Forge a path of connection based on neuroscience that honors peaceful parenting.

My Story

It's not always easy, but it just may be worth it.  Life has loops and ladders, and we're here to support each other through it.  Rebecca Maas is a practiced math teacher and parent passionate about peace. She helps families connect and find peace at home by sharing her skills as Parent Compliment.

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What I Offer


Receive results of the "Simmer-Gauge" and see if we're a good fit.  Either way, you'll come out with tools and tips to start your family's transformation immediately. 


Pass down wisdom, not wounds.  Learn to care for yourself as you care for others.  Immediately accessible in any situation, become the responsive care-giver you know they deserve. 

1-1 Coaching

Using SGL, we will meet for one hour every two weeks to tailor the action steps to your family’s needs and bring in additional strategies.  An excellent choice for those of you looking for accountability and support.

Cozify Plan

Apply your interests and goals to the zone philosophy of permaculture to create the space that works for your family.  This option is in beta mode until Nov '24.

Free Next Steps Call

Let's get to know each other better while identifying one or two tweaks that can lead to lasting change.  Scheduling


The neighborly couple, “Mandy & Dré” found themselves enmeshed to the point where she couldn’t leave the house without their eldest daughter getting sick with worry.  The kids complained about dad behind his back and mom found it difficult to fill their buckets, much less ease their anxieties.  It had even gotten to the point where mom said, “It’s like talking to a brick wall.”  They knew they were getting dangerously close to a break down and had to reach out.

Fast forward 4 months, and the couple are communicating eye to eye, there’s a sense of harmony and responsiveness as they continue to build bridges of connection.  Further work is necessary, of course, and will continue to be needed as growth occurs.  Yet, the transformation realized can inspire each of us to rise to the challenge in holding boundaries with love and respect.  May there also be time for understanding.



Let's Talk

That's taken care of. xoxo Now the next step :)

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